How to Understand Sensory Learning – Your Sensory Perception
Published on February 2, 2023
Updated on January 31, 2024
6 min read

How to Understand Sensory Learning – Your Sensory Perception

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To understand sensory learning, one needs to realize the sophisticated sensory mechanisms within the nervous system and their possibility to help remember and recall information. By actively engaging the senses of sight, hearing, touch, etc., while learning, multiple brain regions can be stimulated, enhancing information recall. One needs to be mindful and intentional in using the senses to take full advantage of this process.

A sensory learner is good at observation, exploration, and analysis. A thinking mode beyond standard perception supports an ability to form new hypotheses, do experiments, and deduce conclusions. That is why many scientists who study physics, chemistry, or biochemistry are excellent at processing information received from the outside with the help of sense organs. Data about our environment is obtained through smell, touch, vision, and hearing. It means that incoming impulses are vital and must be properly processed. Otherwise, it will be impossible to generate accurate inferences or deductions through observation.

How to Embrace Sensory Learning

Some mysteries about our brain and nervous system remain unexplained to this day. The world is full of bizarre cognitive phenomena, such as the Mandela effect or aphantasia. These phenomena irresistibly draw attention but also lead to puzzlement over how our brain works. There are lots of fascinating yet confusing facts about our brains. How our organs translate the incoming signals to our mind and reshape impulses into comprehensible information are no less intriguing mental processes that arouse one’s curiosity.

Sensory learning is about harnessing the force of our senses to better sense and understand the world around us. Our sense organs, such as our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin, constantly receive information and impulses that help us identify and comprehend our surroundings. For example, the sound of a specific thud, the bright colors of a sunset, the sharp pain of a pinch, the comforting aroma of baking cookies, or the sweet taste of a bit of fruit are all examples of how our senses play a crucial role in our perception and memory creation.

Moreso, by embracing sensory learning, you can tap into the enormous potential of your senses to improve your memory and recall. By intentionally engaging and stimulating your senses while learning, you can strengthen the neural connections and stimulate multiple brain regions, leading to enhanced retention and recall. Don’t let the world around you fade into a dull monotony. Access sensory learning and bring new excitement and depth to your experiences.

Why Use Sensory Learning?

Our cognitive system responds almost automatically to most incoming sensory data. Such responses are important for everyday life, our performance, and even survival in different environments. However, while some external stimuli automatically trigger our senses, we can also learn to consciously activate them for better memorization. A sensory learner can shape meaningful and long-lived memories through diversified sensory experiences. The more often we engage in activities that entail sensory exploration, the stronger our memory becomes. Sometimes, it is also about some concealed benefits. By controlling our senses better, the brain can become more concentrated. The thing is that unwanted sounds and noise can be easily blocked even if their source is still active. It is true for proficient sensory learners who keep using their senses during study sessions and absorbing knowledge.

What Science Says About Sensory Learning

Although theorists and scientists have held different points of view over the years about sensory play, there is no doubt about its importance, especially for kids and little learners. Friedrich Froebel believed it would be almost impossible to guide children’s cognitive growth without sensory experiences. Gamified world exploration allows them to construct their early understanding of many new things that appear in a kid’s life.

Senses are Learning Tools

Collecting information for later retrieval is mostly an intuitive mental act. However, we can gain total control over it when applying mental memorization tactics. Encoding critical portions of data is possible with the help of a mind palace, and mind palaces are more powerful if activating such perception channels as senses. Sensory perception is at the core of comprehending the world around us.

When we eat strawberries, we can see the color, feel the smell, and perceive the taste. But even if there are no strawberries physically, we can mentally recreate all the feelings associated with this berry. It is how we can encode shopping lists or recipes. However, encoding data with the help of our senses can help at other levels of academic tasks, so any scientific facts will be easier to grasp. Being conscious and aware of our senses when studying educational material or exploring the surroundings, it would be easier to use mnemonics devices, such as the method of Loci.

If intentionally engaging and stimulating your senses while learning, such as by using vivid visual aids, engaging audio or audio-visual material, incorporating touch or movement, or paying attention to smells and tastes. Endeavoring new experiences stimulating your senses, such as exploring different environments, textures, and aromas. Also, paying attention to and focusing on the sensations you are experiencing in the present moment – practicing mindfulness and meditation increases your awareness of your senses. It is known that there is a great increase in sensory input if engaging in physical activities, such as hiking, dancing, or practicing yoga. Keep in mind that experimenting with sensory deprivation or overload to better understand and appreciate your sensory perception.

What is Multi-Sensory Learning?

Multi-sensory means that several senses are engaged at the exact same time. It can be our touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, sight, etc. The information is more than likely going to stick when you use multi-sensory learning. You will not be forced to spend as much time re-studying the material. Multi-sensory information gathering aids learning. Keep in mind that each organ is responsible for different impulses. Only their combination can bring a full and holistic picture of the event or situation.

Learning to use at least two senses simultaneously can be difficult but absolutely justified. The multisensory approach allows your brain to process the surroundings more efficiently. Generated thoughts and ideas will be original. Also, it is deemed vital for recognizing the emotions of others. Using only one channel of perception reduces the probability of the assimilation of new knowledge. In particular, meager academic results may be related not so much to reluctance to learn but to poor visual or auditory processing. The result could be better if targeting the best way of obtaining knowledge, and multi-sensory learning is one of the ways to get out of cognitive dormancy and leverage the power of thought.

Which Sensory to Use?

Knowing which types of thinkers and learners are there and what kind of thinker you are, it is possible to design a personalized sensory learning style. Here are a few interesting facts about each sense organ and how to stimulate them.  


Although most scientists believe that there is no hierarchy of sense organs, our sight is still recognized as the strong sense that allows us to encode memories more efficiently. Visual type of memory is something that can be consolidated. Lots of interactive improved-memory apps rely upon vision and photographic encoding. Mind palace creation also implies launching visual memory for forming memorable, meaningful, and vivid mental routes. The eyes are also called “teleceptors,” which means that the organ can process data from distant objects and dictate how the brain must respond to them. Creating visualizations of what has been read, learned, or explored and using diagrams, infographics, and mental maps will help develop visual sensory perception and diversify your sensory learning style.


The mental exercise that incorporates touch can re-frame how your brain processes impulses. The act of touching spurs sensors within the body and transmits a message back and forth from the nerves to the brain. This can lead to more robust and longer-lasting memories and better recall. Furthermore, incorporating touch into learning can add a new dimension to the learning experience, making it more engaging and memorable. Using touch in your learning routine can greatly enhance your sensory learning experience – this is similar to when children learn, and they do so much faster when touching and engaging with objects.

Taste and Smell.

Without a sense of smell, we would be in absolute danger since our brains wouldn’t be able to receive signals that warn us about potential threats, like gas leakage or unpleasant odor of toxins. Moreover, our smell is tightly linked with our taste because having a blocked nose, most foods become tasteless. The intensity of information received through smell and taste may decline with time. It might drastically affect your daily life. If you are experiencing muted taste or smell, you can create a smell laboratory using a variety of spices that can evoke your smell senses.


It is a vital sense, especially for children who start their learning journey. Using various rhythms or inventing songs for the memorization of words are common techniques for sensory learning. For adults who are affected by memory inaccuracies and have a more challenging period studying and creating strong memories, it is advised to verbally describe what was learned, read aloud, and discuss with others.


Kinesthetic learning, or learning through physical movement and experience, can greatly enhance sensory learning by providing an additional layer of sensory input and stimulation. By incorporating movement and physical activity into your learning process, you can further engage and activate multiple senses, including touch, movement, and balance. This can lead to more robust and longer-lasting memories and better recall.


What are the 3 sensory modes of learning?

The first learning mode is visual, which is considered dominant in most individuals. Next, auditory perception is when memorization is more efficient through listening. Finally, the kinesthetic way encompasses physical activity and any action or movement for stronger remembering. Find your mode to create a personalized sensory learning style.

How can I improve my sensory learning?

Exploration, observation, and analysis encompass activating sensory mechanisms. An array of sensory practices and activities support curiosity, intellect, and mental acuity. When you go on adventures, pay close attention to everything you see and hear, and think about what you learned, your senses will strengthen. In addition, fun activities like trying new foods, listening to different sounds, and using your sense of touch can help you become more intelligent and curious.

Why is sensory learning important?

Sensory learning is crucial because it allows individuals to better understand and interact with the environment around them. By actively engaging the senses, one can improve their response to stimuli and become more aware of their surroundings. Increased sensory perception will positively impact all aspects of life, including work and leisure activities, as it enhances individuals’ ability to respond and react to the world around them. Ultimately, sensory learning helps individuals to have a more fulfilling and enriched experience in their daily life.

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