Gamified eLearning combined with an immersive 3D game

  • Our mOS software provides storage space to encode, store and then retrieve needed memories
  • Interactive micro-lessons with an immersive experience
  • Everything you memorize gets stored safely into “folders” of your mind’s inner “hard drive“
  • Learning plan developed and taught by 2X World Memory Champion
Virtual Transfer Technology – Build Your Memory Palace
Memory Palaces: A Scientifically Proven Technique for Increasing Brain Power and Visualization

It has many names: The Memory Palace, Method of Loci, The Mind Palace… But whatever you call it, it works wonders! This incredible, scientifically proven, technique has been used for over 2000 years and allows anyone to memorize as many things as they like. The Mind Palace technique helps your brain keep information significantly better and increases the remembering capability by many times — in essence, it transforms how we encode, store, and recall data.

Get ready to discover how to build a palace in your mind, allowing you to access a revolutionary way of memorizing a ton of stuff. Whether you want to better remember the names of people you meet or memorize thousands of digits of pi — the design is the same, provided to you with the help of a robustly made algorithmic approach containing five steps.

Join us to obtain an essential 21st
century skill

Are you trying to remember needed information, but once the time comes to recall it you find either bits of it or nothing at all?

You need to learn about our proprietary technology called the Mind Palace Virtual Transfer – it allows a person to gain systematic control over the mind’s memorization process and memory storage along with a significant increase in one’s memory capacity.

mOS combines proven memory techniques with the latest advances in e-learning and an immersive 3D game to create the most enjoyable and effective tool for learning memorization skills and keeping your brain alive. memoryOS demo is now available on App Store and Google Play and will soon come to Web, Desktop and VR.

How can memoryOS help you?

  • Knowledge Lovers
    This secret superpower will surprise you and inspire others
  • Working Professionals
    Learn speeches, names, qualification exams, and passwords with certainty
  • Elderly Adults
    Get it right without a doubt – names, dates and everything important
  • Adults
    Drastically reduce the uncomfortable “I don’t remember” moments from your daily life
  • Students
    Hack your memory, ace exams with calmness and graduate with confidence
  • Scholars
    Obtaining utmost confidence that studied material is actually remembered
  • Kids
    Lay the foundation for effective and stress free education from an early age
  • Join our community in a private group!
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How to Build a Memory Palace: Five Stages

  • step 1
    Pick a well-known location
    Choose a room or a route you know well and can see in front of you when you close your eyes. Your home or school/workplace is a good start.
  • step 2
    Distinctive and vivid features
    Make sure that you see the various objects in your chosen location as clearly and vividly as possible and that you have a strong feeling of where the different things are and how they relate to each other spatially.
  • step 3
    Stick a map to your mind
    Next choose a path through the palace. It should be logical and move you from a starting point to a finishing point, visiting several objects along the way in a natural order. Repeat this path until you feel that you know it well and can easily recall the order of the objects on its way.
  • step 4
    After the third step, where you have created mental slots for filing things that you intend to encode, you have to transform standard pieces of data into associative images, preferably fun and interesting ones. The bizarre and out-of-ordinary association is what makes the memory palace technique a great method to encode for further recall. Powerful triggers aid in recalling data out of the slots. Thus, associate complex facts with simpler concepts, or put them into unexpected situations that never actually occur in ordinary life. Unleash your creativity at this step, as there are no rules for how these associations may look. This step heavily relies on thinking out of the box and freedom of imagination.
  • step 5
    Re-visit your palace
    After assigning the list of items that must be memorized to each slot and making the connection between the location and data, you can revisit it. The sequence of action starts with recalling those sensible qualities you assign to the data. These are your feelings, a sense of touch or smell, or visual characteristics. All this will trigger your memory, so you can easily pull out the data hidden in every slot. With each mental trip through the sequence, you are consolidating your knowledge of the slots.
  • Memory Palace Tactic — Your Interactive Mind Aid
    Memory Palaces uncover the mind web of memory networks and ensure memorization followed by increased confidence because you can memorize anything you need when mapping your association. Each palace contains a mind map to align easily with your memorization goals since each experience becomes personal. The technique includes five steps that help design virtual maps, and you are the one who chooses the room, components, and association links. While practicing, you will see that these mnemonics skills cause the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is this different from online courses on memory improvement?

    Unlike “brain improvement” apps/games (effectiveness of which has not been proved and is in doubt) or courses from self-proclaimed memory experts, we offer a joyful, interactive experience utilizing the best of current technology. As a result of the latest advances in e-learning combined with our innovative Mind Palace Virtual Implant technology, memoryOS enables the brain’s physical ability to remember large amounts of various information and delivers measurable and noticeable results already after completing one ~30-minute demo session.

  • Why not learn mnemonics from a textbook?

    It is certainly possible to develop a memorization skill from specialized textbooks. Besides the long hours of regular training, this approach has several limitations. A major one is having to construct a large enough, usable mind palace out of well-known locations that are themselves limited.

  • I do not play videogames, can this work for me?

    The memoryOS experimental prototype has proven to work successfully on a broad age range of people, including those without any prior gaming experience.

  • How much time and effort needed to see results after using the program? How many hours needed to notice a difference?

    Our Early Adopters get a chance to experience the memoryOS demo, which is now available on iOS and Android devices. It takes around 40 minutes to complete and delivers measurable and noticeable results in recall effectiveness and speed, already after the first session.

  • What are Loci?

    Loci is a unique object which serves as a folder to encode, store and retrieve a set of specific information. In a memory palace technique (i.e. method of loci) well-known environments are composed of a number of discrete loci.

  • What is a Mind Palace?

    Memory or a Mind Palace is a fundamental memory technique used by all World Memory Champions. A Mind Palace is created out of well-known environments with a number of specific objects inside i.e., loci. To memorize something, the subject mentally navigates through a path of loci to form a vivid link between the desired information and the specific loci. To retrieve the needed memories, the subject simply re-imagines walking through the particular environment of a Mind Palace.

  • What is the maximum number of loci you can have in memoryOS?

    The SCHOLAR plan is the most basic one, which comes with the least loci by default, while, for example, the EXPERT plan will have 350 loci by default. We aim to let people purchase extra loci at a minimum cost so those using memoryOS the most can have more benefits. The plan is to keep developing and providing pre-made virtual mind palaces so they can meet everyone’s needs.

  • Will this help with Alzheimer’s?

    More research and tests are yet to be done in the field, but what we already know – mind palaces can reduce the impact for people with early Alzheimer’s by helping them remember simple things like people’s names. Kasper Bormans is the Belgian scientist who has researched this in the past.

  • Why was memoryOS destined to be?

    memoryOS has been initiated on the pure enthusiasm of its creators and desire to bare positive changes into the world. We are very fortunate for all the sincere help and support we have received from our friends, family and great people out there on our mission to enable spectacular memory in every human brain.

    This was initiated as a result of our co-founder’s personal pain when he realized how unnecessarily stressful his life was during the test and exam periods at school and university. Even though having a Mind Palace boosted his grades as well as free time, Alex saw that existing methods of obtaining memorization skill have significant limitations that stop almost everyone from acquiring it as a lifelong skill. Continuing to feel the unnecessary pain of scholars, students, and people in general, he decided to find a solution and build a team to implement it.

  • Do you have any testing data to support the utility of your method?

    For those that have tried the memoryOS demo, average improvement in recall increased by 70% with an average increase in recall speed of 60%. That’s a 1.7X recall and 1.6X speed increase just after one relatively short demo session.

    We have performed testing of user memory skills before and after the demo experience. Participants heard and saw different sets of 15 random words, which appeared one-after-another, for 10 seconds each. Then following a short 3-minute break, they were required to recall and type in these words in the exact order heard.

  • Is this a physical brain implant?

    No. The name of our game component technology is Mind Palace Virtual Implant and refers to the virtual transfer of pre-made memory palaces to a person’s long-term memory. These structured environments will later be recreated by a person’s imagination as a tulpa and used as storage space to help encode, store, and retrieve necessary information once needed. This, along with the gamified eLearning component in the form of interactive micro-lessons from 2X World Memory Champion, are a part of one single application.

  • What is the future of Human Memory or what do we do with Neuralink?

    As memory-related personal data is digitized, safekeeping user identity and data is an increasing priority.

    With the anticipated brain-machine interfaces (i.e. Neuralink’s app store), memoryOS will become a unique neura-software provider of storage space for the most personal information in a secure environment.

    Our technology’s unique future advantages on Neuralink’s app store platform:

    For people with Neuralink brain implant – Neuralink can be used to almost instantly download our digital Mind Palace itself in its empty form along with our mnemonic skill package. People will have the option to encode, store, and decode most personal information in the brain’s natural biological* format without the need to use Neuralink’s digital storage.

    For people without Neuralink – with the help of memoryOS through existing platforms, the ability to memorize any needed information in large amounts and stay competitive without the need to implant the microchip. Leaving out the sacrifice of human liberties and denying the possible risk of personal memories getting stolen and other repercussions.

    *The unique advantage of using our mind palace storage is that only the palace itself is digital before it’s copy is transferred into users’ imagination. The memorized information itself is not digital due to the mnemonic link, which happens in the human brain’s imagination and is rather a biological process. If a person with the digital brain implant will have no choice to store memories in the natural biological format without giving Neuralink full access to it, it is the point where humans lose all liberty, and the identity is taken over where false memories will determine the behavior of a controlled human.

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