What is Mental Health and Can It Be Improved?
Updated on January 31, 2024
6 min read

What is Mental Health and Can It Be Improved?

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Mental health is a state of well-being when a person has both mental and physical capacity to perform efficiently, be engaged in all spheres of life, and be productive even under harsh circumstances. Our brain is considered our command center and is responsible for what and how we think and feel. Mental health affects our perception of surroundings, shapes our views and attitudes, and allows us to feel and act in response to various stimuli responsible for even further mental health outcomes.

Furthermore, when an issue in the communication of our neurons occurs, it can make us feel unwell. Thus, mind activity and processes can be impaired, emotions will be in an unruly state, and one can suffer due to problems in social functioning. You should never ignore your symptoms—for example, emotional outbursts, troubles with sleep, or constant and unrelenting episodes of anger. The most important thing is to get proficient and timely assistance and incorporate tips to enhance your mental plus brain health.

What is mental health?

There are lots of dimensions that shape mental health. Once they are affected, there is a risk of occurrence of alarming symptoms that can greatly influence our well-being. Some bigger issues must be handled immediately to restore normal life quality and brain performance. But even if you don’t suspect you have any signs, you still face lots of stress daily. And to keep the keenness of your thought, enthusiasm, motivation, and psychological balance in turbulent times amidst a myriad of stress factors, you can check several sound tips that support your well-being no matter what.

Your Mental Health Matters

A mentally healthy person can distinguish one’s own emotions, manage them, function harmoniously, and respond smartly. New living conditions do not frighten such a person. And own decisions are firm and made in a self-assured way without wavering. However, many people do not recognize their emotional tribulations and mental suffering. For example, anxiety often occurs when we cannot predict the development of events. And there is anxiety within the norm and even useful, as it signals a possible danger or urges action. But such a state of anxiety can lose its usefulness. In such cases, carrying out everyday tasks is an insuperable uphill because one cannot think about anything else except troubles. Without proper attention, it will be difficult to overcome mental health issues.

Types of Mental Health Disorders

The seriousness of mental health issues is sometimes underestimated. But early signs, usually ignored, must evoke disturbance and have enough attention since they can lead to life-threatening disorders. For example, excessive worries or fears are usually suppressed, constant overworking and tiredness are something that has already become normal, and some people, even when feeling oppressive and discouraged, continue to live their life without any recharging and rebalancing. However, each of these warning signs can lead to confused and slow thinking, poor memory, and loss of mental acuity.

There is a wide range of disorders and pathologies relating to the mind caused by changes in the human psyche. These changes directly or indirectly affect a person’s way of life in society, working capacity and energy levels, the ability to accomplish daily tasks, and adequately perceive events that happen daily. It can be somatoform, neurotic and stress disorders provoked by multiple factors. Emotional disturbances belong to one more category of disorders, e.g., bipolar or conduct disorders. The most common problem that many people suffer from is depression. Each such condition has specific symptoms and must be handled wisely to avoid aggravating. Luckily, there is a great chance to live your life in a manner free from the risk of suffering due to mental health problems.

How can I grow my mental health?

In fact, even the healthiest individual needs to handle stress and fend off episodes of tension. The thing is that someone has a bigger capacity to resist challenges, while for others, it is a perpetual fight that seems endless. Bill Phillips once said important words: “Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle.” So transforming a mindset and vision can make a difference in how one sees the most difficult or grueling situation. For example, each of us had the first day at work, experienced a layoff, had some barriers on the way to completing some kind of work, or had other although routine but also somewhat stressful events. So someone can easily pull themselves together after such life disasters while another person falls into depression and loses inspiration for action. Therefore, the next suggestions are labeled as effective for those seeking to boost stress resistance.  

Connect with Others

Communication is definitely one of the mentally stimulating activities that can stave off cognitive decline and even reinforce almost all types of thinking, for example, a divergent mode of perception, reasoning, and critical or creative thinking. In addition, it broadens the worldview and improves social functioning. Less communication with others means lower brain activity. It can be the reason why anxiety disorders and neurodevelopmental diseases appear. In our isolated world, when new technologies replace meeting with friends or colleagues, it is hard to have the required amount of communication. So don’t ignore this tip. It is vital for your brain’s connectivity. And a good conversation promotes healthy relationships. In addition, it is possible to meet with friends and new people who can diversify your social life.

Gain New Skills

The advantages that come with gaining new skills, experience, or knowledge extend beyond the actual things that are learned. It does not only give you an inroad to discovering something totally new for you but also adds confidence and nurtures curiosity. This is how it is possible to fight loneliness and deal with boredom which can be the trigger for issues with mental health. It’s important to try something you’ve never done before. You can visit new places, start unusual hobbies, and attend music lessons or dance classes. You can even be engaged in some brain-boosting training and learn, for example, how to create Sherlock’s mind palace. You will be motivated to make progress. And while keeping your brain busy, you will definitely forget about all the problems.

Stay Physically Active

It is a proven fact that a shortage of a hormone known as endorphin might cause intense anxiety and nervousness. Therefore, doing things that increase this hormone release is of paramount importance. So apart from brain exercises, come up with a scheme of physical exercises. You will notice a difference in your well-being right after the first training. 15 minutes-session is enough. Just find your perfect combination of exercises to avoid harming yourself even more. And even if it’s difficult at first, later, you will not be able to imagine your routine with squats, burpees, push-ups, jump ropes, stretching, etc. You will always have an excellent mood, minimizing the risks of disorders and maximizing your self-esteem.

Quiet your Mind with Meditation

When it seems that nothing you select for mental and brain health is likely to work, you are desperately grasping at straws to restore internal harmony with hundreds of methods; you must stop for a second. Because a drowning person that grabs at flimsy reeds, trying to save oneself, probably will drown even deeper. One of the mindful health solutions is to learn how to declutter your mind full of unwanted and intrusive impulses and thoughts. To avoid plummeting mood and prevent depression, it is suggested to add meditation to your overall health tactic.

Of course, such a solution is not an easy undertaking. However, since it’s not a results-oriented method, then progress does not need to be forcibly obtained; it will come by itself. Your task is to enjoy each session of relaxation, modify it with asanas, calming music, or aroma sticks, and add any kind of things that are pleasant for you. Find your perfect posture, shield away from thoughts and distractions, and enjoy this internal and external equilibrium. Apart from gaining this most-wanted peace of mind, you will get some cognitive benefits and will improve memory, grow concentration capacity, and get your mind laser-focused.

Techniques for Relaxation

Stress levels negatively affect the immune system and overall health, not only the mental one. Relaxation techniques usually include reorientation of attention to give your mind time to rest from rapidly evolving life difficulties. Most of them comprise the aim of joining the body and mind. Such a body-mind connection can be attained through breathing techniques or massage sessions. Each of us needs to guard our wellness using well-designed and proven tactics.


What are 5 mental health examples?

Eating problems, depression, uncontrolled and sudden panic attacks, OCD, and post-traumatic stress disorder are several examples that can affect brain health.

How do I know I’m mentally ill?

Signs are easily detected. Mostly they are related to our emotions and mood while can also have some effects on our memory, cognitive function, or adequate reasoning.

How can I improve myself emotionally?

You need to grow your internal self-awareness to understand your emotions better. Each of us must have personalized stress relievers. For someone, it can be yoga or sport; for someone, fresh feelings. Memory and brain aids can also come in handy.

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